Saturday, June 07, 2008

Data Operations in Java

In my previous posts, I have enumerated the different types of data, the place where they temporarily reside and their characteristics. Those data are no way different from garbages if operation or manipulation is prohibited.

Java operators can be classified in to three categories according to their operands:
1. Unary Operator - requires one operand, examples are:

++a; a++; --a; a--;

2. Binary Operator - requires two operands, examples are:

j + k

3. Ternary Operator - requires three operands, a very good example is:

!isJosetHandsome() ? "You are a liar!" : "Honesty is such a lonely word.";

Java operators can be also classified in to the following categories according to their purpose:
1. Arithmetic - operators that perform basic math operations

a % b

2. Relational - operators that are being used for comparison

mine > yours

3. Logical - operators that are used for applying boolean logic

isClear() && isConcise()

4. Assignment - operators used for temporary assignment of values

Double idealMonthlySavings = monthlySalary * 0.40;

5. Advanced - all other operators such as parentheses, ternary if-else, brackets, new, instanceof, etc. fall here

float f = 8.8;
int i = (int) f;

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