Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sun Tech Days 2008 Day 1 - NetBeans 6.1 Deep Dive

Though in a project with a tight schedule, I was given the chance to attend Sun Microsystem’s Sun Tech Days. I got a free VIP pass luckily because our company uses Solaris boxes. Anyway, here’s what I’ve picked up today.

1. NetBeans 6.1 has -/+ 40% improvement in performance - This is good news. I might be able to use this as an argument for replacing Red Hat Developer Studio in our company. It’s an Eclipse-based IDE, it’s not bad though but there are some glitches.

2. NetBeans 6.1 Platform for Desktop Application Development - The wizard for a kick-start is cool! You can jump in and start crafting without worrying some productivity-killer configurations. Mantisse rocks!

3. NetBeans 6.1 JavaScript Support - If you’re a web developer, and you’re worried too much of cross-browser compatibility issues, this IDE is intelligent enough to determine if your code will work in a specific browser.

4. NetBeans 6.1 Improved Refactoring - If you are renaming an identifier that has already been used in several lines of code, you don’t have to do a Find-and-Replace anymore. With just some key-stroke combinations, you will be able to see on the fly the identifier being renamed. This works with JavaScript code as well. This is pretty useful.

5. NetBeans 6.1 Profiler - This is useful for code reviews. You don’t have to worry about how to configure stuffs for the profiler to work and it spits out very useful information. Makes sense if your customer wants a search speed like Google’s. :D

6. Visual JSF Web Plugin - One of the productivity-killers is developing the web application UI. This plugin will keep you focused on the business logic rather than the never-ending battle of JavaScript standardization and strict mark-up layouts. This is pretty useful.

7. NetBeans 6.1 Support for Hibernate and Java Persistence API - This is cool! This makes our life easy! Now I have more time for some other stuffs.

8. NetBeans 6.1 Web Services Support - Pretty cool thing if your application requires more outside intervention such as data coming from sophisticated apparatus (semiconductor-manufacturing or test machines).

There are a lot of useful stuffs to play with at Sang Shin’s site http://www.javapassion.com.

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