Friday, August 22, 2008

Static Methods and Variables in Java

Static methods and variables are shared by all instances of the class. Static variables are initialized when a class is loaded whereas instance variables are initialized when an instance of the class is created. Static methods belong to a class, therefore, it can only access static members of the class and it can be called before instantiating the class.

class StaticCase {
static int staticCounter = 0;
int nonStaticCounter = 0;

StaticCase() {
staticCounter++; //class level
nonStaticCounter++; //instance level

class StaticCaseImpl {

//static method, entry point
public static void main(String... args) {
//StaticCase.nonStaticCounter, error, not a static variable

StaticCase sc1 = new StaticCase();
StaticCase sc2 = new StaticCase();

System.out.println("staticCounter sc1: " + sc1.staticCounter);
//output is staticCounter sc1: 2
//or in static context, StaticCase.staticCounter
System.out.println("nonStaticCounter sc1: " + sc1.nonStaticCounter);
//output is nonStaticCounter sc1: 1

System.out.println("staticCounter sc2: " + sc2.staticCounter);
//output is staticCounter sc2: 2
//or in static context, StaticCase.staticCounter
system.out.println("nonStaticCounter sc2: " + sc2.nonStaticCounter);
//output is nonStaticCounter sc2: 1

Magic: The Gathering

I got this from Amerei. Here is my color.

Take the Magic: The Gathering ‘What Color Are You?’ Quiz.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

T.J. Rodgers Discusses Cypress’ Strategy with Electronic Business

T.J. Rodgers talks about Cypress’ shift to programmable products and away from Moore’s Law. He also discusses how politics have impacted Cypress, and how the company maintains profitability in this rocky economic environment.

Click [here] to read the article.