Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sun Tech Days 2008 Day 2 - OpenSolaris 2008.5 Track

Sun admitted that Solaris’ late move to open source is a big mistake. They said that while they were busy making money, they were already losing the server market, Linux is taking over very fast.

Having tried several versions of Solaris and OpenSolaris, in my honest opinion, opening its source code to the public is a good move. :D

What’s cool in OpenSolaris 2008.5?

1. IPS - a network package management system that resembles an apt-get type of command. Thanks to Ian Murdock.

2. Bourne Again Shell - C Shell is no longer the default one. This makes majority of the Linux users comfortable when shifting to OpenSolaris.

3. OpenSolaris Developer Expert Assistance - A dedicated online support service for developers that provides technical assistance for code support, programming questions, diagnostic advice, how-to’s and best practice guidance.

4. OpenSolaris Subscription Support - Telephone and online technical support. Provides automatic notification of security updates.

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